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Aktliste vedr. ILETS 1997

IT- og forskningsministeriet

27. november 2001

IT-politisk Kontor


Sagsnr. 16556 111833






i Notat vedr, rapport fra ILETS 1997
2 Telefax vedlagt ILETS Technical Newsletter fra Royal Canadian Mounted Police
3 Dokument ref. 1/1 - agenda items 4 & 5 - Standing Technical Commitee, Lawful Interception of Satellite Telecommunications (S-PCS)
4 Participants List - incl, adresser, tlf, og fax.
5 Programme for ILETS 1997 - 3.-6. februar 1997
6 National developments since ILETS 1995 - Australia
7 Belgian document -- Intercept of Communications - Belgian situated Report jan.
8 The state of telecommunications intercept in Canada
9 Report on developments in the European Union since November 1995 in relation to lawful interception of telecommunications
10 Appendix 1 - Resolution of the council of the European Union of 17 January, 1995 on the lawful interception of telecommunications as published in the official journal of the European Communities
11 Appendix 2 - mobile satelite
12 Contribution to agenda A 3 - National developments since ILETS 1995 in Germany
13 National developments since ILETS 1995 in Luxembourg
14 Telecommunications developments in the Netherlands.
15 Hong Kong Developments Post-Canberra
16 United States Telecommunications developments
17 ILETS 1997 - workshop 1 - - Interception outside national boundaries - SPCS Contacts/technical information
18 Interception costs - who ultimately pays the cost - Law inforcement Agency (G/A) or Network Operator/Service provider_(NO/SP)
19 The interception of telecommunications in the United Kingdom - developments since ILETS 1995
20 Workshop i - lawful interception outside national boundaries - outcomes agenda item 5
21 ILETS 1997 - standing technical committee, Dublin February 1997 - report on Technical matters affecting interception
22 Participants List Workshop 3 & 4
23 Paper on regulatory intent concerning use of encryption on public networks
24 Contribution to workshop 2 (encryption) of the ILETS 1997 - Bonn 29 January 1997

25 Policy - legal access to keys held by trusted third parties: international aspects
26 UK delegation paper global handover interface specification (G1oHIS) Current position and way forward
27 Workshop 3 - New technical Issues - List for discussion - Denmark
28 Paper of the preparatory meeting on interception in the Hague, the 25th and 26th November
29 Information from the expert Sub Group (technical)
30 Lawful interception of satellite personal communications systems
31 Note circulated by Germany on the lawful interception af satellite communications.
32 Liason between the providers of telecommunication and law enforcement agencies - the UK experience
33 International law enforcement telecommunication seminar - contribution from the Netherlands delegation
34 German contribution for workshop 1
35 Workshop 3: DC Office Contact Information
36 View to the adoption of decision no ../96/EC of the European Parliament and of the council on a coordinated authoryzation approach in the field of satellite personal-communication services in the community
37 Standing technical committee - report on technical matters affecting interception
38 Australien call tracing specification
39 Source: Netherlands - Proposal to amend the international user Requirements published in ENFOPOL 90
40 Workshop 4: Draft letter to non EU participants in the informal international law enforcement telecommunications seminar - council resolution af 17 January 1995 on the lawful interception of telecommunications and internationsl support for the requirements annexed to the resolution
41 Summary of replies to questionnary on the integration of the council resolution of 17 January 1995 intro national law (GJ No C329, 4.11.1996, p1)
42 Letter enclosed declaration relating to law enforcements international user reguierements_for_telecommunication_interception
43 Dissemination of the international user requirement
44 Final List - Members of the council
45 UK delegation paper - expert working group on the international interception user reguirements (JUR) amendment proposal
46 Svar på spørgsmål nr. 490-493 fra Folketingets Retsudvalg vedr. ILETS - alm. del -bilag 1194
47 Svar på Folketingsspørgsmål nr. 495 alm. del bilag 1209